Friday 20 June 2014

Final Piece

 I incorporated all the different techiniques i learned throughout the process of my experimentation and development and combined them into one to create this textural decaying mixed media garment. I used various stitch including leaving hanging threads to portray more delicacy. I also incorporated a use of synthetic materials including cellophane inspired by Alberto Burri. The use of the rustic colour palette was inspired mainly by Lynda Monk who also used these tones within her work. The use of scrim combined into my samples was an idea i found from Christina Chalmers who incorporated scrim like materials into her dress sculptures. I found using this lighter material would include a use of delicacy within my rougher samples to even out both effects. And finally the composition was inspired by Heather Kellner who used a rough edged composition which i took on board to create my own style which i then incorporated many latex samples to create this garment. 

In the end i added some screw, nails and bolts onto my piece as i found this would add a 3D element into my piece, i found this was successful in adding texture and a rough, rugged surface.


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