Friday 20 June 2014

Responding to peer comments

After a peer suggested i expand my size of the latex samples i decided to take this on board and create larger scale samples, this was also shown throughout my artist response to Heather Komus where i created a large scale latex piece and incorporated it with other background materials. The comment also suggested in creating layers within the latex, to do this i have combined different materials into the surface of the latex. I found this latex sample was successful as it had a large use of textures which conveyed a decaying tone, also the latex was easy to peel from the bubble wrap background. The only problem with the use of the latex it can be quite messy and it's also hard to stitch into however this can easily be resolved with using a papered background which can be pulled from when finished.

Another comment on my blog suggested i create larger scale romeo samples and combine them into my latex. I found this was time consuming due to creating such large romeo samples however when added to the latex it emphasised on the decaying tone of the piece which i found was successful. From these latex samples i think i would like to use latex in my final designs with a small use of romeo as i find too much would overpower the rest of the mixed media making the samples more clumped together rather than a decaying effect. 

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